
New Orleans


A 7 1/2 hour drive sounded bad. What actually happened was a nice ride filled with bangin jams and lots of singing. If you’ve ever heard Anastasia then you’d know this makes anything better. Soon enough we arrived at our airbnb which was this amazing little Airstream in the back of someone’s yard! upon seeing it for the first time this instantly got our excitement raised through the roof. After checkout out this little beaut we still had plenty of daylight left so we decided to hit the town. We saw so much stuff on the first day, everything from nice golden light hitting the unique architecture to a guy walking around with 2 birds. Went went to a cool little thrift store and I found some Kodachrome slides! Checked out New Orleans City Park. and then spent hours at the amazing Cemeteries. So much to see in this city and the few days we spent here wasn’t quite enough to see it all. I’m definitely going to be coming back.

Many photos taken on Google Pixel 4 XL

others taken on Canon EOS R and I only used my Voigtlander 35mm f/1.2 v2.

I will be uploading my film photos once I get them developed

check out Anastasia’s instagram: @authentically_anastasia