
2020 Snow Adventure


I’ve been spending a lot of time with Anastasia lately. She has become one of my best and closest friends. As luck would have it, we had planned to drive around this day. Little did we know that it would snow the day before and that this would be the happiest day of 2020 so far. Our previous trip to a cabin in Gatlinburg was so great too. That trip to me represented more of a fully relaxed vacation, one of the best I’ve ever had.

The drive started in Lawrenceville where there was already no snow to be found. It had melted completely already. We quickly found snow around Gainesville headed north on the highway. It’s always beautiful, the snow in Georgia. Not only because it’s a rare sight. It has a certain sense of serenity that is unique to only Georgia, but what we were really after was some North Georgia mountain waterfalls. Angel falls in particular. I plugged it into my google maps and once we were getting fairly close I noticed something was a little off. Google had sent me to the back side of the falls where a forest service road gets kind of close to it. There might have been a hiking trail that does actually connect, but driving down the forest service road was a treat all on it’s own. A winter wonderland. The snow had accumulated a couple of inches. In some spots maybe up to 5-inches! The road wasn’t hard to navigate, as there was ruts that was melted all the way to gravel from the previous day when there must have been more people out driving. We didn’t see a single other car on this road, with the exception of a forest ranger that had been stalking us. As we made a turn around to park and check out this possible trail he thought we were doing a donut in the snow. Or maybe he just wanted to talk to someone, since there wasn’t anyone else around. Either way he was nice. Headed back down the mountain and a few more stops along the way to get out and take photos the snowy day dream was at an all time high. Driving around to the other side to the actual parking for the trailhead we stepped out and started the hike into the dripping forest. The sun was out and the snow was melting fast. But this didn’t rush us. This hike was an easy stroll stopping at the pretty scenes along the way. Crossing a bridge and checking out the nearby campground. This is where the sounds of the river started to get louder and louder. Small waterfalls became larger the further upstream. Puddles on the trail were fun to splash in. Walking this trail with Anastasia was pure bliss. Interrupted by her throwing a few snowballs. We had some fun. Finally reaching the waterfall itself. Angel Falls was out shining in full glory basking in the sunlight. Warm enough to take off some layers, we stumbled around getting up close to the falls. Taking a few Polaroids to remember. After getting our boots wet and taking it all in. we began the walk back out. I remember at this point thinking that we hadn’t seen anyone else on the trail so far. I was surprised that no one else was out, this is one of the best days to be out hiking. We didn’t need special gear, heck we didn’t even need big fluffy coats. Getting back to the car wasn’t the end of the day though. We headed to the always wonderful Wander North Georgia store that wasn’t too far down the road. Seeing my friends and being in the store is one of the best ways I can spend a day. Even though all my friends are working. A much needed meal later we spent a few hours throwing some axes downstairs in the store. Just in time for sunset we drove up to black rock mountain to watch it go down. What a way to end the day.

Sore legs, sore arms, Dirty shoes, and warm hearts full of memories sure to last a lifetime.